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Intentions are set in the mind. The idea that our minds may be able to influence the distribution of true random numbers is inspired largely by the Global Consciousness Project (external link).

You only have to think about what you want to find and generate a point.

From anecdotal reports, we find that people who are more experienced in meditation have better results in finding something related to their intention. Some people make up chants or songs about their intentions and repeat them in their head during generation and/or on their way to the location!

There is no need to speak your intention out loud, although if you wish to do so, please note that the app does not collect microphone permission, and is unable to "hear" you.

Some people like to write their intention down, but we do not provide a text box in the app to do this before/during generation. We chose not to offer one in order to avoid theories that the app works by searching people's intentions on some kind of database - it doesn't! If writing your intention down is helpful to you, you may do so on paper, or on your preferred notetaking app, etc.
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