Randonautica 3: Bookmarks

May 5,  2024

One of the most requested features has finally been implemented in the new beta test app:

Sortable Bookmarks

The Bookmark list items now feature icons indicating the point type by its color code. We also added some extra information about each bookmark: how far it is away from the user's current location and its Z-Score and Power values. For those of you who like to add notes to your bookmarks, the first line of that text is now also displayed. An icon at the top right highlights whether the bookmarked point has already been visited and published as a Trip Report on Discover.

Various buttons at the top of the list allow you to sort the bookmarks chronologically, alphabetically, by distance and by Z-Score or Power strength. Never loose a bookmarked point again!

If you are wondering why the bookmark icons look different from the regular point icons, that's because we threw in another feature a lot of Randonauts have been looking forward to for quite a while:

Bookmarks on Map

We added a button in the drawer of the point finder screen that allows you to show all of your bookmarks on the map!

We wanted them to look a bit different to not confuse them with generated points or other things that you can see on the map, like Discover reports or...sssshhhht, that's still a secret...

Try It Out

If you want to try out the new bookmark features, sign up as a beta tester for Randonautica 3 and look out for the 3b.7 update that should be rolling out!